Benefit of HPT No 4


You will find the Benefits of HPT as you include it in your daily practice.

Let’s look at the Value of Relationship.

How can HPT help you in your relationships?

We are only human and often even before people speak we get the feeling of an instant dislike, and when it’s your new boss, well you might think you can kiss goodbye to any rapid rise in the organisation, but don’t give up. Persevere with your daily HPT and you will see opportunities present themselves for change.

Imagine for a moment that you are on a less than reliable bus or train route to work. Punctual as you may be, often the system lets you down and you arrive not exactly late but just on the borderline, out of breath and obviously stressed.
It is noticed.

You know there is only one way out of this situation, apart from getting a job nearer to home – virtually impossible just like that, and that is for you to change your routine and get that earlier transport to ensure an early, unruffled appearance. Again, it will be noticed. Your relationship takes an immediate turn for the better. You see, HPT teaches us that if you want change in your life it has to start with you.

Relationship change is probably viewed as the most difficult because the other party is invariably seen as the inflexible one and therefore no opportunity for change. Why should I change? However if you are prepared to change then there is every opportunity for the relationship to improve.

The teaching that is, what shall I say, almost unnoticed – like a sponge soaking up a liquid, happens almost by accident, but is of course merely dependant on your willingness to participate, your ability to accept change within yourself.

At the same time, if you look carefully and with your new found ability to focus on the finer points of your colleagues, list in your mind the attributes which have brought them to where they are today in the organisation. You will find that had you been the boss employing them you would know why they are essential to the firm.

Now you can applaud their expertise and be grateful that they are there, and that will change your relationship with them wherever they are in the hierarchy.

The greatest change that you can make is to bring the aspect of unconditional love into your awareness, your allowance and your acceptance. Expecting nothing in return you will see your relationships blossom.
Hanukah & the Angel



About David

Devonian writer
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2 Responses to Benefit of HPT No 4

  1. Unconditional Love most needed… Learning to live from your heart ..
    As within, without…
    As above so below…
    Have a great Mid week David. ❤


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