Another thing to keep in mind, as months of this new year surge ahead:
(Called at the end of every session in the pub where I grew up, with the bang of the barrel-tapping mallet on the bar counter.)

Time, as we perceive it, gives and takes away, but then despite what we conclude, that having given time a value, we imagine therefore that we invented it? Like many of us who follow our parents’ example we are, after all doing exactly that when considering this elusive element.

Do not, however, imagine that it follows the example of human-kind, for in so doing we would mistake Time’s true parentage.
It could be argued that humankind was of the same stock as time, if we accept that we all came from the Universe, where unwritten laws which affect us all, are held in universal consciousness.

Some would argue that we are made of the stuff of Earth, but then where did Earth and the Solar System come from?

Einstein was part-way correct in his conclusions on relativity since time changes depending on where it is perceived and therefore must be a product of, and therefore a child of space. His inspiration and therefore conclusions came through his incredible ability to concentrate and link with Universal consciousness, which if more were to cultivate such a mind enhancing technique through meditation and mindfullness, many of mans’ problems would be overcome.

Despite our beliefs and the faiths which we follow, or not, when considering that we came from the same universal consciousness where the laws which govern us all, whether we like it, have accepted it, or not, reside in a state, as near to ‘chiselled in stone’ as can be found in our limited vocabulary and given and known by so many names.

From Mother, Father, Source, God, Jehovah, Allah … the list goes on and the Divine is not concerned with names which are only there for our benefit. There is no greater truth that if we were happy with our own faith and could stop pushing against the rest, the world would be at peace.

We are of one mind in the move which we know we must make and are therefore at peace knowing that all-is-well and we will find more peace at the end of our own protracted journey in moving to a new house. If only the same could be said for those whom we elected to serve us, could be of one mind and support the one who will lead the country according to the will of the people on the journey into isolation from Europe.

But I digress: Whatever the given name they are in universal terms all one, as indeed we are all one. The one that gave us our being in whatever form we take according to where we are placed in the universe at the express desire of the Soul, which of itself is and remains throughout eternity part of the Divine.

Wherever we find ourselves, with each of our souls connected to the Divine, we cannot escape being with and connected to the one and therefore we are all one and connected to one another. It may be a hard concept to swallow, especially when there is so much anti this and anti that and anti each other. It makes one wonder if there could ever come a time when we, the human race, could be at peace and live like the brothers and sisters who we really are.

Time to consider the future maybe, but since the future depends on the present, we should think about it today, eh? Time Please!
Hanukah & the Angel

About David

Devonian writer
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