The thoughts of the young man, when the family prepared for the forthcoming celebrations, were turned not to what Santa might bring, but as to how he should best approach the year ahead, which was still a blank canvas in his mind, apart that is from his inner calling that never changed, to do what he could for others less fortunate than himself.

This laudable desire had so far hit stony ground and not taken root despite trying to bring it to fruition in both foreign fields and on his home turf.
Was there a message here that he had missed up until now? Or, was he impatient and should wait and see what the new year would bring?

He had already searched from the basics of his religious upbringing, which had left him with more questions than answers, and had delved into other philosophies in the vague possibility that they might provide the answers he sought. The words of his Mother when he was obviously worried about exams, competitions or interviews all those years ago, rang in his ears again.
“You can only try your best.”

He had consulted different channels of information all of which had come up with the same result: that he had tried to get the most out of every situation he had found himself in, and that included all previous life-times, agreeing with his Mum’s wise words. He had wondered if she had been a secret psychic or was it just feminine wisdom?

He tried looking back over the last years of his life, with no blame, regret, doubt or fear, to see if there was anything that he had missed, but could find nothing to set his mind at rest, which left him with the certainty that something had to change. Could his inner calling be off the mark?

From all the thoughts careering through his troubled mind he was left with the idea that the one thing he could count on to give him a little space to find his own answers, was his early morning solitude and quiet time of meditation.

He wasn’t sure if he was doing it right, with no formal training with a Guru, Sect to join, or a stay in a foreign Ashram, but had gleaned from others’ writings and his quiet moments each morning which he found gave him so many enhancements to the many aspects of his consciousness, not that he knew how they had happened but, had the positive feeling that he must be doing something in the right way, so, he would carry on with his early morning quiet time sitting up in bed as before. One question answered.

But there was something going on that was still a mystery. It was not coming from outside but was more like an inner feeling. He looked at what gave him joy in his life apart from the loving atmosphere and pleasure of his partner, close and distant family, whenever he was able to be with them or just texting, emailing or speaking on the phone.
But that was all too obvious.

His passion was nature and he loved the aspects of the flora and fauna seen from his window, in the ever-changing seasons.
It was here that the decisions were made for him. He could see when the garden needed his support and the bird feeders had to be replenished. Some of his feathered friends were messy feeders but this only catered for the ground feeders and any passing rodents, hedgehogs or those that came under cover of darkness.

Watercolour painting was a love from the past, but he had only touched a decorating brush or roller in recent times. Perhaps he should get back to that relaxing pastime. Playing piano was also a hit and miss affair instead of the daily practice of the past. Odd jobs around the house could also allow him to exercise his skills and the love of making stuff in that direction, no there must be something else … he could not fathom what it could be.

There were two conflicting ideas vying for prominence in his mind, the one: That he always had to be doing, doing something and the other that he should, as the current thinking dictates: Go with the flow. Inklings of these two appeared in his consciousness from time to time, which only increased his confusion, not knowing which to choose.

The former confirmed his Grandfather’s maxim of: “Better do it now than wish it done.” Which was written in gold lettering on the leather-bound desk blotter the old man had given him, and which stared him in the face each time he sat at his desk. The latter just confirmed his own inner feeling, which he wondered if that was just a natural consequence of the age in which he lived, or was it coming from his inner positive thought process.

The one thing he had learnt was to focus, which was one of the enhancements coming from his meditations, whether it was for a need, want or desire and to keep that thought going and growing, changing if necessary, as time progressed. Time would provide. The one other most important thing never to do, was to doubt that what he wanted could be achieved, or to wonder how it could be done, even if it seemed impossible.

There are usually two sides to any answer and as far as focus was concerned often when too pointed could exclude all that was going on around him and he became isolated on many occasions and had to be called back before any sensible conversation could be entered into.
His young children could testify to that.

With so many talents and strings to his bow, no doubt some if not all coming forward from those other lives on Earth, he often thought of himself as a Jack-of-All-Trades and Master of none! Any of which he felt could have progressed to the pinnacle in any of those areas if he had directed his focus in a better way.

On this day of days, where he found himself in the Now, he stared out into his beloved garden from inside the beautiful home which he and his loving partner had created and recognised the evergreen backcloth which always recovered after the traumas of the storms and winds of winter which threatened to demolish all in their path, but gave again the splashes of colour in the spring, summer and autumn just like one of his watercolour paintings and saw the simile of the rising above the many challenges which he had managed to overcome in this life.

That was it! He felt at last that he had found the most important answer.
The most difficult of the Challenges which some saw as Problems, but which he saw as Opportunities were placed before him, because like all the rest he was one of those who could best overcome any difficulty and bring whatever it was to a successful conclusion. Voila! As his partner would say.

He sent his blessings to Mother Nature which had become another channel of inspiration and also to the Divine Logos within whose energy of Well Being, which many knew as the Grace, he was sure had provided him with this life and all other lives as the playground within which he had been given the opportunities to excel, for the benefit of the Soul in each and every life.

He knew now that the coming year and all others which he might encounter were his to expand and continue to grow in Love and Gratitude to All There Is.
He had no need of Resolutions.
David, With Love and Blessings to All.

About David

Devonian writer
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